Foods that cause hot flashes

Foods and Drinks That Make You Hot: What to Avoid for Better Temperature Control

Although certain conditions like menopause or Hyperthyroidism fluctuate the body temperature, body temperature is highly dependent on what you consume. Some foods raise your body temperature. While there are things that don’t. So, it’s on you to take things that won’t make you hot. You need to understand what increases your body’s heat and make sure you stay cool and comfortable.


Science Behind Body Temperature

Before getting into the details of the food it is important to learn how the body regulates temperature. We humans are warm-blooded which means our body regulates the temperature around 37°C. Various factors like environmental conditions, physical activity, and food intake can fluctuate core temperature. 

There are foods that cause hot flashes that generate heat in the body during digestion. This process of heat formation through digestion is called diet-induced thermogenesis. Other factors that food affects are blood circulation, hormone level, and hydration status. All these influence body temperatures as well.  Temperature control through diet.


Foods to Avoid for Temperature Control

Spicy Foods

Spicy foods contain a compound called capsaicin which associates spicy foods and sweating. It is present in chili peppers and stimulates nerve receptors in the mouth. This tricks the brain into thinking that your body is overheating. This initiates a cooling response like sweating. That’s why eating spicy food can leave you feeling warm and flushed.

Although sweating is a temporary response of your body to manage the heat, eating too much spicy food can raise your core body temperature a little. This can be upsetting if you live in a hot environment. To stay cool, you should avoid consuming too much spicy food. Some of the foods to avoid include:

  • Jalapenos and other chili peppers
  • Curry dishes
  • Hot sauces
  • Salsas made with chili


Caffeinated Beverages

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system to increase your heart rate which makes you feel warmer. It’s a heat-inducing substance that’s why beverages like coffee, tea, and energy drinks are diuretics. This means they promote urination and cause dehydration if consumed excessively. 

This dehydration reduces the sweating that loses the cooling potential of the body. This makes you hotter, so limit your intake of caffeine. Beverages to avoid caffeine include:

  • Coffee
  • Energy drinks
  • Sodas
  • Black and green tea

If you consume caffeinated products, then increase your intake of water as well to stay hydrated. 



One of the drinks that increase body heat is alcohol. It increases body temperature as it dilates blood vessels which increases the blood flow near the skin’s surface. This makes you feel warm and flushed. That’s why drinking alcohol in hot weather can be problematic and even cause night sweats and hot flashes. 

Drinks to limit to control your body temperature are:

  • Wine
  • Beer
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Cocktails and spirits


High-Protein Foods

If after heating a high-protein food you wonder why do I feel hot after eating then it may be because of the thermic effect of food. High-protein foods require more energy to digest than carbs or fats. It means your body produces more heat while breaking down proteins than fats. Thus, if you want to stay cool then avoid foods like:

  • Red meat 
  • Poultry
  • Legumes
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products

Though protein is essential for a balanced diet, moderation is the key. So, balance it with lighter cooling foods like fruits and vegetables.


Fatty and Fried Foods

These foods like protein require more energy to digest which makes more body heat. Moreover, these foods are heavy and move slowly through the digestive system. This makes you sluggish and warm. 

Also, these foods are high in salt which contributes to dehydration. This further reduces the cooling mechanism of the body. Foods to avoid include:

  • French fries
  • Fried chicken
  • Donuts and other fried pastries
  • High-fat meats like bacon and sausages


How to Stay Cool with Food Choices

Controlling your body temperature and staying cool is not just about avoiding certain foods, it’s about regulating body temperature. To regulate your body temperature, include these foods in your diet:

  • Fruits and vegetables

Fruits like watermelon and berries are packed with water and nutrients. Similarly, cucumber and celery have high water content and keep your body hydrated. 

  • Herbal teas

Chamomile and Peppermint tea have a cooling effect.

  • Light, hydrating meals

Cold soups, salads, and smoothies are great choices to avoid overheating your body. 



Though your body is designed to regulate its temperature, it still appreciates a little help. So, avoiding foods that cause hot flashes can really do wonders. It won’t just help you combat heat but also help you in improving your overall health. 

Aside from using refreshing products, you can add eco-friendly hygiene products like eco-clean towels and deodorant wipes to your personal hygiene products list. They will help you take a break from sweat and refresh you on the go.


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What foods make your body temperature rise? 

Spicy food, alcohol, caffeinated beverages, fast food, and sugary products are a few of the food categories that make your body temperature rise. 

What foods can help cool down the body? 

Fresh fruits and vegetables, herbal teas, and light foods help the body cool down.

Can certain drinks make you feel hotter?

Yes, coffee especially hot, and other hot beverages can make you feel hot.

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